Interfaith Harmony 2025
at a glance

Full descriptions & links are here on the main page.

Wednesday, January 29

Interfaith Harmony Engagement Session Register here. Gate A, Ummah Masjid, 2510 St Matthias St

Saturday, February 1

1:00pmInterfaith Harmony Engagement Session Register here. Halifax Central Library
2pm World Interfaith Harmony Week Celebration. Registration is not required for this event. Halifax Central Public Library.
6:30pm Earth-Spirit Society of Nova Scotia Temple of Witchcraft for Imbolc. The UU Church, 5500 Inglis Street

Sunday, February 2

10:30am Universalist Unitarian Community of Halifax Service. 5500 Inglis St
12:30 Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism Intro to Taoist practice. 3331 Connaught Ave
8:00pm Earth Spirit Society of Nova Scotia e-Imbolc. Zoom

Monday, February 3

7:00pmBrahma Kumaris Meditation & Social. 1 Cedarbrae Lane

Tuesday, February 4

7:00pmBeth Israel Synagogue (Orthodox Judaism) Talk: The Afterlife in Jewish Thought. 1480 Oxford St + Zoom

Wednesday, February 5

5:00pmEcology Action Centre Conversation: Faith and Climate Action. 2705 Fern Lane

Thursday, February 6

noon Atlantic School of Theology Service. Live & on Facebook – details TBA
7:00pm Shaar Shalom (Conservative Judaism) Learning Session. 1981 Oxford St + Zoom

Saturday, February 8

2pmBahá’í Community of Halifax production of the Life of Táhirih. 31 Eisener Blvd, Dartmouth.
4pm – 8pmUmmah Mosque Interfaith & Multicultural Festival. 2510 St Matthias St

Sunday, February 9

10:00amChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Worship Service. 205 Lacewood Dr + Zoom
11:30amHalifax Hindu Temple Vedanta Ashram Society Sunday Puja. 6420 Young St
2pmPainting Workshop. 1981 Oxford St (use the Pepperell St door) Registration required.
6:30pmMultifaith panel on music roles and traditions. Same venue as the next event.
7:30pmRezound Meditative Music Group Sound Bath. St. David’s, 1544 Grafton St.

Thursday, February 13

Interfaith Harmony Engagement Session. Gate A, Ummah Masjid, 2510 St Matthias St. Please register if you can.
6-8pmEvening Session of the above; same location; again, please register.